The Photographer

I am Lesli, the photographer. I am located near Salt Lake City, UT. I grew up in
Idaho and Washington and have been in Utah for the last 16 years.
I am the wife and best friend of a wonderful and patient man and the
mother of five children.

I am a lover of photography and enjoy finding a way to catch a
moment in time. I have loved taking pictures for more than twenty
years, but finally am learning what it takes to be a
photographer. It has been a blast! 

You are the reason I am doing this, yes you, who is reading
this. I want to find a way for you remember each stage in your life. I
hope you enjoy the blog and set up a session soon. Please do not
be discouraged by prices. Email me if you or someone you know has a
special situation that a photo session would make yours or their day!

Design by Deluxe Designs
Design by Deluxe Designs